Myths, samhainophobia and possession
By Psyche | October 31, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 3 Comments
Saturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.
Happy Samhain, kids!
Vampires are hot, hot, hot. Except in Twilight, where they’re just creepy and bizarre. Stephen Marshe suggests this is because young straight women want to have sex with gay men, whereas Charlie Higson thinks vampires are for girls and zombies are for boys. Even ABE is getting into it with a timeline of vamp lit – things even I haven’t read.
If you find all of this worrying, you can always pick up a nineteenth century vampire killing kit. I know I’d feel safer with one. My kitchen’s always running out of garlic.
- The latest issue of the online occult magazine Rending the Veil has come out, and Patrick Dunn has contributed an essay titled “Ritual and Myth” which looks at the role of myth in our lives and what that might mean.1
- Joseph Merlin Nichter wrote about “Samhainophobia vs Samhainsensationalism” in his blog WitchDoctorJoe’s RattleBone. He discusses popular reactions to Hallowe’en, his his own family’s traditions. There’s also a picture of a stone monk in a pointy hat lookin’ fab.
- In a lengthly article in Reality Sandwich Paul Levy asks “Are We Possessed?” and responds with excessive quotations from Carl Jung. The answer to the question seems to be “Probably”.
Also, Douglas Rushkoff intends to interview Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) on Monday. Could be interesting.
That’s it for this week, mes amis. Wear your costumes proud and practice safe hex.
- I’m in it too! See “Ignorance – The Real Enemy” my ++heart atheism response to Donald Tyson’s paranoid delusions. [back]
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Hello, Just a quick note, just found your Blog through Google alerts. I think I;ll be doing a lot of reading to get the feel of your offerings. I am also a close follower of http//noblepagan.comoble always willing to learn.
Bruce Miller
Oppps cant quite handle this comments box it seems to be partly covered by the adds. Hope you can read this. B
Thanks Bruce.
I recently changed the layout of the comments section, and you’re correct, it does seem to run over a bit. I’ll take a look at this and fix it later today. Thanks for letting me know!
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