You read any good books lately?
By Psyche | January 19, 2010
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The Necronomicon infomercial by badadvicegoodtimes, on YouTube.1
Choice quotes include:
Well, it’s like the Bible. But it’s different. Way different.
Understatement doesn’t begin to cut it.
If knowing the unknowable is crazy, I don’t wanna be sane.
I like the way he thinks.
What do you have to lose? You’ll either go mad from the revelation, or be on your knees, begging for a new dark age.
Spotted via Jack Flash.
Popularity: 3%
- Teaser: is launching an esoteric book club starting in February, more details next week. In the meantime we’re making our selection for the first pick. Check it out if your interested, or contact me if you have questions/ideas. [back]
- Simon’s little black book for $7.99 really doesn’t compare… [back]
I love that the google ad I get with this entry is
“Christian Book Club
5 Christian Books for Only $1.00! Vast Selection & Latest BestSellers”
Best product placement ever google.
Clearly they know their target audience.
This was hilarious!