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Interview, chaos, spiritual machines, circles, readings and book porn

By | April 23, 2011 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments

Saturday Signal on Plutonica.netIt’s a weird world we live in when we learn that squid can fly. It’s true. Photographic evidence here.

Earlier we asked which colour was the least magickal, here’s a link to an article where you can train yourself to see impossible colours. Nifty.

As it’s been a while since I last posted one of these, I have an impressive backlog of links, but we’ll begin gently with the following signal finds:

Over on our sister site,, we have some new reviews:

As always, if you come across anything nifty, please share it in the comments, or drop me a line, and we may post it in next week’s signal – along with attribution, of course!

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More poetry, hacking retrogrades, initiation and…Lost tarot cards?

By | May 15, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments

Saturday Signal on Plutonica.netSaturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.

As I prepare for my rapidly approaching vacation in Paris I’m thinking about what to pack. The most items under consideration are which books should I take?

This is a topic recently broached by Gordon White in “Travel Reading: The Eternal Question“, where he took along a book I recommended on this blog, along with some other neat stuff.

Fiction is easy, I’m going with two French Canadian authors and two French authors, and of course the guidebooks, but which non-fiction to take is proving more challenging. I’m thinking Levi. I still haven’t read The History of Magic which is bound to be fancifully romantic and therefore quite appropriate.

Any other recommendations?

Oh, all right. Enough about me. Linkage:

  • On his blog Rune Soup, Gordon White wrote a post titled “How To Hack The Retrogrades” with brief notes on their influences and hacks to circumvent the effects. (Sidenote: I dig the breakdown for Pluto. Getting off on the wrong foot with people pretty much defines my life. I cancelled cable in the last millennium, but it hasn’t helped any. Friends have described me as “an acquired taste”. I’ve decided to take it as a compliment.)
  • Klint Finley posted a link to tarot cards based Lost created by Alex Griendling on Technoccult. They’re not actually tarot cards, as they don’t depict images derived from tarocchi, instead using their own oracular scheme, but they look really neat all the same.

If you come across anything particularly awesome, please share it in the comments, or if you use delicious tag it “ahrfoundation” and we’ll take a look. Thanks!

Buddhism, Satanism and American Hindus

By | August 22, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 3 Comments

Saturday Signal on Saturday Signal typically sifts the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony, and this week’s links list focuses heavily on religion – how it changes, and its lack.

Is spirituality on a decline? Or is it only religion that’s become outmoded?

Are Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens correct? And, if so is this a good thing?

  • Fawad Ali Shah reminisces about Buddhism in Pakistan for the Daily Times, noting that not a single monastery remains.

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