Frances Yates and the Hermetic Tradition reviewed
By Psyche | March 15, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 4 Comments
My review of Frances Yates and the Hermetic Tradition
, by Marjorie G. Jones is up on
Though I had of course heard of Frances Yates before, I didn’t know much about her, having only read Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, and that only recently.
Published by Ibis Press, Jones’ Frances Yates and the Hermetic Tradition is the first full-length biography to be written about Yates, and it’s a fascinating read.
@djninjastar also pointed me in the direction of this interview with Jones about the book on the Occult Sentinel podcast.
Though allusions to her not being a properly trained historian are frequent, not being any kind of historian myself I’m still not clear on what the distinction is. Help with that?
Either way, I’d now like to read the rest of her works, The Art of Memory especially, as it’s been called one of the most influential books of the twentieth century.
Check out my review, and let me know if you’ve read Yates, and what your thoughts were about her work.
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