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New print magazine on New Orleans Voodoo, Hoodooo and folklore

By | November 19, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off

Hoodoo & Conjure coverA new print magazine has been put out by Planet Voodoo.

Hoodoo & Conjure Quarterly, with a focus on “New Orleans Voodoo, Hoodoo and folklore”, describes its content as follows:

Hoodoo & Conjure Quarterly journal shares historical and contemporary information about aspects of the conjure arts, including magico-religious practices, spiritual traditions, folk magic, hoodoo, and religions with their roots in the African Diaspora and indigenous herbology. Each issue of Hoodoo & Conjure Quarterly magazine brings you original and traditional formulas [sic], spells, tutorials, root doctor, spiritual mother, and conjure artist profiles, workshop listings, book, product, & website reviews, and more!

The first issue came out in October 2010, and a four issue subscription starts at 39.95$US plus shipping (shipping price increases for Canadian and international subscribers). It doesn’t look like it’s possible to purchase just the first issue at present, but that may change as the journal gets going.

Spotted on de Her Balthazar’s blog Gnostic Conjure; he has a piece in the premiere issue.

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Kenneth Grant, free eggs, experience, tarot and mounting deities

By | September 4, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments

Saturday Signal on Plutonica.netSaturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.

I feel like I need some sort of intro here. Last week I said science was cool, and that’s still true, but sometimes science has the mind of a child. A dirty-minded child. This is one of those times. But you gotta know what’s up there, right? Right.

So, um, it turns out there’s weird water lurking inside Uranus. (And Neptune.) If that’s not enough, there’s a giant ash hole on the Moon. I don’t make this stuff up, kids.

Back on Earth baby mi-go have been spotted off the coast of Japan. I’m not sure if I should be horrified or melt at how cute they look…No, I’m definitely horrified.

First, your occultural signal: Continue reading »

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Commitment, Skynet, tarot and old mysteries

By | August 28, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 1 Comment

Saturday Signal on Plutonica.netSaturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.

With all the news I post about space, how ’bout our home planet?  No, not Pluto this time: Earth. Apparently it’s missing two billion years. Kind of. Well, we are anyway, in that we have no idea what happened for that span of time. Theories abound.

Also, the solar system is about two million years older than we thought.

Science is cool.

  • In her blog Know Thyself, T. Thorn Coyle reminds us that commitment and consistency are important in any practice, whether mundane or spiritual, in “Let’s Get Engaged“. You really do earn points just for showing up.
  • Sannion (H. Jeremiah Lewis) writes in The House of Vines, “Speaking about the unspeakable“, that the old mysteries are dead, and that’s ok. We can’t reconstruct the past as it was, and that’s fine. Learning what was is great, but it’s not where we are now. Live life. Great stuff.

I had tons more links to share, but time intervened, so next week’s Signal will likely be double-sized. You’re welcome.

As always, if you come across anything nifty, please share it in the comments, or if you use delicious tag it “ahrfoundation” and we’ll take a look. Thanks!

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