Speech in the Silence, a new Thelemic podcast
By Psyche | January 11, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off
Speech in the Silence is a new Thelemic podcast put out by the ARARITA San Diego Thelema Group.
The first episode (Episode 1: Solstice in Capricorn, Year 105) aired on December 21st, 2009.
Their aims are straightforward and their focus seems tight:
The focus of Speech in the Silence podcast is on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation.
We will include lectures, music, interviews, discussions, and more. Also, we will feature readings of the Holy Books of Thelema and other important texts written by Aleister Crowley.
The first podcast briefly introduces a few concepts for those who may not be familiar with Thelema, and offers a bit about the podcast and its host group, ARARITA.
Also included is a brief look at the Solstice and its significance by Joseph Thiebes, a reading from De Lege Libellum by Frater Oz (which will be continued in future episodes), and “Duo in Unum” a lecture on solar phallic symbolism in the Gnostic Mass again by Thiebes.
The sound quality is good, voices clear, if at times a bit wooden (it is the first podcast, after all).
The next episode will be available January 19th. I’m looking forward to it.
Thanks to IAO131 for bringing this podcast to our attention!
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