Dave Lee, Chaotopia! and chaos magick in general
By Psyche | June 8, 2010
A new and revised edition of Dave Lee’s Chaotopia!: Sorcery and Ecstasy in the Fifth Aeon
has been released by Mandrake of Oxford in a new expanded edition.
Lee has also launched a new blog, also titled Chaotopia!. At the moment it seems to house a few reviews; it’ll be interesting to see the direction it takes.
While we’re on the subject, chaos magick seems to be undergoing (another) revival at the moment. Phil Hine’s Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magic is also out in a new revised and expanded edition from Original Falcon.1 A review will be forthcoming.
Jason Miller’s posted a call-out to chaotes over on Strategic Sorcery. Chaos magick – and chaotes – have changed quite a bit since the current’s inception.
Yet reading the responses, both positive and negative, not much seems to have changed in terms of discussing it. It brings back fond memories of the alt.magick.* hierarchy on Usenet.
I love the Internet.
Edit: I should probably also share the links in my reply, which included “Psyche’s List of Chaos Magick Primers“, my “Top 5 Books on Chaos Magick“, various answers to the question “What is chaos magick“, and one which I did not include in my reply as I just came across it now but which is relevant, “Chaos magick: doing what works and more“. The last is a response to another critic of chaos magick, who didn’t quite seem to get that what he was doing was actually chaos magick. So it goes.
- If you missed the deal about the difference between Original Falcon and New Falcon, click here. [back]
Related posts:
- Chaos magick: doing what works & more
- Aleister Crowley and the 20th Century Synthesis of Magick, by Dave Evans
- Top 5 Books on Chaos Magick
- Magick and meaning
- Latest Weiser Antiquarian catalogue available
Yes, the responses there seem to be more of the same sputter, I’m afraid.
Isn’t it sweet? Ah, nostalgia.
I was a little surprised. I thought it was surely someone else’s turn to be the bogey men. :)
Nah, man. Chaotes are the Last Dark Siblinghood.
[...] Psyche gives an update and a retrospective on chaos magic. Follow her links. [...]