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Never say die

By Jack Faust | September 19, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 6 Comments

As a special treat for International Talk Like a Pirate Day Jack Faust has written an in-depth and thought provoking essay about piracy – what it is, what it means and what it could mean in the future.

Anticopyright: September 18th, 2010.

The following is the sole “intellectual property” of Jack Faust…but he doesn’t care what you do with it. Hell, you can even lie and claim that all of these ideas are your own. But if he catches you, he’ll probably make fun of you for a long time.

Biting the Hand that Feeds

Information was never intended to be free. Knowledge has almost always come with a price tag, though the price tag differed depending on which civilization you were a part of. One way or another, however, you’ve almost always been expected to pay for that knowledge. In the past, the reason for doing so was often a matter of prestige; access to privileged information lead to a “special status” to which the consensus thus granted power to in the form of authority. Of course, technology has now made it so that such status, privilege, and information might not last forever…

Some forms of piracy, on the other hand, will last forever. One might take the instance of Somalian pirates in recent years. Largely faced by a lack of economy, which has been made worse both by the recent Somali civil war, and the divestment of fishing territory by foreign corporations. Before one was to begin discussing the moral implications of such activities, it should be noted that the yearly per-capita income of a family in Somalia is $600, making it one of the poorest countries in the world.

But let’s not mistake the above for what’s happening across the Internet. The first children of the 21st century and the last children of the 20th century are not occupying somebody else’s boat with guns, divesting them of their property, and then making off to sell it on the black market. Why, then, do we call the act of file sharing piracy? Continue reading »

Piracy hurts

By Psyche | September 8, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 6 Comments

SkullRecently two publishers have come out against piracy, and my feedreader’s been awash with responses to it.

Yesterday Scarlet Imprint published a post titled “Tarnish” explaining their frustration shutting down distribution of pirated copies of their titles.

They’re not just concerned with their own works, however, they cite several other independent occult publishers: Ixaxaar, Golden Hoard, Xoanon, and the fate of the publishing industry in general:

Many illegal uploaders believe that they are providing a service, that they are disseminating knowledge for the right reasons. However their actions are destroying the marginal livelihood of the authors they are copying. They are seriously jeopardising any future work.

Lest you think this only pertains to small press, Donald Michael Kraig, blogging for Llewellyn, discussed this back in August as well in “A Humble Request“.

Authors don’t make much from their books. When you steal a book, it hurts authors, agents, editors, copyeditors, publishers, distributors, bookshops and more business and people than you likely realize.

This isn’t news. We’ve discussed it here before.

Over on The Wild Hunt, Jason Pitzl-Waters discusses its effects on Pagan culture, pointing out that this affects indie artists of all kinds in “Piracy and Paganism“, and on Dionysian Atavism Jack Faust is threatening to unleash a history of piracy and capitalism with the understanding that “the technology isn’t going away” so we’d better “find a way to use it for your benefit, or be crushed by reality”. Rufus Opus has also offered a few expletives.

Scarlet Imprint describe themselves as a “talismanic esoteric and occult publisher” – the value of their works isn’t solely in its text but the books as objects in and of themselves. Pirating their publications is cheapening their efforts however you look at it.

This isn’t about technology, it’s about integrity.

Image above provided by

Proper tea: some thoughts on piracy

By Psyche | June 29, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 14 Comments

Pirate FlagKhephra directed me to a recent episode of Greg’s Occult of Personality podcast in which he was interviewed.

It’s subject was the Occult Digital Mobilization, or Digimob for short, a community of occultists which gathers ebooks and other files for distribution in quarterly digests via BitTorrent.

While there is a selection process, its ins and outs weren’t discussed in detail, nor were copyright issues or the moral implications in a wider sense, and they displayed a superficial understanding of how the artist/writer/creator is affected and what the impact is for the larger culture.

Though danced around, arguments for piracy tend to run the same way:

The argument is that a pirated good rarely substitutes for the authentic original. Instead it allows the product to reach populations that can’t afford the original or otherwise wouldn’t have bought it.

The above excerpt is from a book I recently picked up, Chris Anderson’s Free: How Today’s Smartest Businesses Profit by Giving Something for Nothing, a marketing book on how companies are using the concept of free to build their customer base, and how it works. Continue reading »