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Twilight, OTO, Thelema, Pagan historian, Pagan fool and real realities

By Psyche | August 30, 2008 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off

Saturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.

Wishing all of you a very merry long weekend! 

I’ve already gone sailing. Continue reading »

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Love is the Law: Philios, True Will and the Great Work (Part II)

By Kara Rae Garland | April 8, 2008 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments

Kara is a second generation chaote hailing from just north of Portland, OR. She’s been published in Konton, Key23, participated in the Infictive Hyperwiki and Occulterati podcast, and now graces us with her presence here on as our first guest blogger.

This is Part II of a two part post, click here for Part I.

Philios can inform and expand True Love for the self and vice versa, Philios pointed inwardly informs and expands True Will, which in turn, informs and expands the Great Work, which necessarily flows back into Love and Will. In this cosmology, Love, True Will and the Great Work are all tied in together, flow into one another, expand and strengthen one another. (The symbol for recycling comes to mind here.)

So what is True Will and how does one discover this deepest of motivations? I believe that the answer lies in the subconscious mind, the background signal of the soul, so to speak. Instinct or what we often call intuition is at the very heart of this knowing. Intuition is that little voice in your gut that tells you whether something feels right or wrong at a basic level. If you use it as you would a pendulum to gage your feelings about situations and people and courses of action, I believe it will never steer you in the wrong direction. I believe that the human instinct is infinitely more advanced and elegant than we would usually care to imagine. It seems like an animal thing and we like to forget that we too are animals with keen senses.

“Its inherent Strength is perfected, if it is turned into Earth.”

This line from the Emerald Tablet, that most treasured code of alchemists, effectively sums up how I feel about the natural progression of intuition. As you use intuition, it grows in strength exponentially. You come to understand it, trust it and rely on it. I believe that when you continue in this direction, the intuition becomes tempered with logic, experience and resolve. If and when this enlightened intuition becomes personified, one attains Knowledge of and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel. The HGA is your deepest need and motivation given voice and utilized as a guiding force and motivator, broadcasting the True Will. This voice can be so powerful that it may seem alien and external, and it has been known by many other names: Higher Self, Spirit Guide, Gwo Bon Anj, even God. And it can be fierce, it can be terrifying. Continue reading »

Love is the Law: Philios, True Will and the Great Work (Part I)

By Kara Rae Garland | April 7, 2008 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 10 Comments

Kara is a second generation chaote hailing from just north of Portland, OR. She’s been published in Konton, Key23, participated in the Infictive Hyperwiki and Occulterati podcast, and now graces us with her presence here on as our first guest blogger.

This is Part I of a two part post, see tomorrow’s post for Part II.

I do not believe in sin as typically described by the various sects of the world’s major religions. In my heart, there are two kinds of sin: sins against humanity (abuses of human rights) and sins against yourself. It is with the latter that the following missive is primarily concerned, heavily informed by Thelema, New Age philosophies and Modern Satanism.

A sin against yourself is something that only you can judge. You sin against yourself every time you do something that goes directly against your True Will. When you do not live up to your honest potential, when what you do holds you back instead of propelling you forth, even if that thing is refusing to forgive yourself for past mishaps, I believe you are sinning against yourself. (It should be noted that I do not feel this applies to normal, natural, healthy periods of stagnation, contemplation and plateau states.)

I used to think that the concept of True Will was malarkey. No one I spoke with could tell me what True Will was or how to discover it. I kept asking and wondering what kind of person doesn’t know what he or she really wants in life? But then I took a good look at the society around me, and I saw that we tie ourselves into secret knots all the time, constantly confusing ourselves about what we want and what is best. Continue reading »