Vacation in September
By Psyche | August 24, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments
Mes amis, I will be rocking it hardcore1 in Angleterre2 this September, and as such will be absent for about two weeks while visiting with my husband’s delightfully accented family.3
Shall this blog suffer? Perhaps. But it need not be so.
Are there any adventurous among you, or a combination of youses, who would be interested in maintaining the blog in my absence?
If so, I would be happy to pass over the secret signs and keys into your capable hands for the duration of my absence.
The general topic of the blog is pretty straightforward, it covers occulture, philosophy, spirituality and magick with occasional links round-ups accompanied by a swell Saturnine glyph. I try to post a few times a week, and the general guidelines are here.
Interested? Drop me a line at psyche [at] ahrfoundation [dot] net and we can discuss business.
I would so appreciate your help. Merci.
[...] one (yet) has volunteered to take over the blog while I’m stranded in England on vacation in September. Position is still wide open, and I’d love for this to be an opportunity to widen the range [...]
[...] I mentioned I would be visiting London in September, Christina sent me a friendly e-mail inviting me to visit Treadwell’s Books. As I was already [...]