Leary and McKenna Rush to the Age of Spiritual Machines
By Cole Tucker | September 19, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 1 Comment
Saturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.
Science and Spirituality collide this week in multi-media extravaganza, brought to you by guest poster Cole Tucker.
- H+, a commercial Transhumanist magazine, edited by R.U. Sirius, has its Fall issue out. Essays include Erik Davis on SF show Dollhouse, investigating the transhumanist aspects of psychedelic pioneers like Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna, possibilities of eliminating pain through genetic manipulation and the neuroscience of spirituality.
- NPR recently ran a five-part series on the The Science of Spirituality. Topics included long-term brain change through prayer, investigating the near-death experience and evidence for healing at a distance.
- Royal Art News reports that two weeks ago, the U.S. Army deployed its first Buddhist chaplain. Novelty must be accelerating, just last month the U.S. was a Hindu nation.
- Ego Death and Self-Control Cybernetics has months worth. Learn about the entheogen theory of religion, how the Dark Ages never happened, and why prog rock could be the West’s last great Wisdom Tradition.
- Fans of Dan Brown‘s new book, The Lost Symbol, take down the Freemason’s official site.
If you feel like digging signal from the noise
Nothing but noise…
Finally, Psyche made the return trip safely! ahrfoundation.org should be operating normally as soon as she has rested up.
[...] British chaotes and their website, and interviewed them in Words of the Magi, also contributing a guest Saturday Signal. Thanks again for your [...]