Political pagans, Shaolin monks and spiritual brain surgery
By Psyche | February 13, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off
Saturday Signal: sifting the signal from the noise of the Internet’s occultural cacophony.
I usually try and avoid the mush that is Valentine’s Day, it’s commercial and crass, but my cold dark heart warms a little when upon learning that science can break hearts. Isn’t that sweet?1
But that’s tomorrow. Today is still Saturday, and that means we need signal:
- Jason Pitzl-Waters of The Wild Hunt has co-founded a new project, The Pagan Newswire Collective. The first dedicated blog for the Collective is Pagan+Politics, which will feature an additional seven bloggers. Given his history with the Wild Hunt, this new blog may be worth adding to your feed reader.
- Occultural Anthropology has posted a series of five videos titled “Myths & Logic Of Shaolin Monks” which is worth a look.
- Janelle Weaver wrote a piece for Nature.com titled “Brain surgery boosts spirituality“. A quote: “Removing part of the brain can induce inner peace”. The cynic in me isn’t surprised. (Via Technoccult.)
Ok, so it’s kind of thin this week. I’ve been kind of busy with the book club, which is really a lot of fun. I had to draw a picture of the website freehand and my attempt is spectacularly awful.2
Found something nifty? Please share it in the comments, or if you use delicious, tag it “ahrfoundation” and we’ll take a look. Thanks!
- For the record, I am happily married to my partner of nearly eleven years. I just don’t go in for the paper hearts and corny cards. A waste of resources. [back]
- I even got called out for cheating on a Photoshopped printscreen. Which is fair enough, I guess. [back]
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