Pokemon, art, titles, letters and golden myths
By Psyche | November 20, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments
After last week’s rant about Pluto, Sarah kindly pointed me in the direction of The Pluto Files, a PBS special hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
The website has all sorts of great info about our favourite planet, including an mp3 (with transcript) of Alan Stern, head of NASA’s new mission to Pluto, defending the “little guy”, as they put it.
There’s an interactive bit where scientists give a thirty second promo for their favourite planets, and then readers are invited to cast their votes for the best planet in our solar system. Currently Earth is in the lead, but Saturn’s a close second. Poor little Pluto ranks fifth – surely we can do better than that?
The best part of the whole site, however, is the hate mail from third graders outraged over Pluto’s demotion. Hells, yes.
There’s lots of other great stuff on the site, too. Check it out.
Now on to your signal:
- Kalagni over on Blue Flame Magick has an excellent post titled “Magickal Pokemon Trainers“, comparing Pokemon with yidam and the Goetia, explaining why you don’t need to evoke ‘em all.
- Propnomicon shares a sculpture by Joe Broers, “Chaugnar Faugn“. As one commentator noted, it looks like Ganeshe’s evil twin.
- On Strategic Sorcery, Jason Miller has a great post titled “Title vs Ability” on the problems of equating the two, and explaining where differences lie, and where the two overlap. He writes, “The work is based on ability, the Title is based on certain protocols being followed. They are not the same.” #truth (Twitter pwns me.)
- Morgan Drake, in his blog Gleamings from the Dawn, attempts to disentangle the various rumours surrounding the famous Sprengel letters, on which the founding of the Golden Dawn is based. He summarizes each letter individually, and provides a breakdown of what we do and don’t know about them. We also learn that Fraulein Sprengel’s great-great grand-nephew was named Egon.
- Speaking of the Golden Dawn, Nick Farrell has a great post listing “Things you thought were true about the GD but probably weren’t“. Lots of great stuff in there.
While we’re here, The Wild Hunt is hosting their annual pledge drive to raise money for the site. Whether you’re Pagan or not, it’s an excellent resource, and if you can spare a few bucks, consider donating to keep the site running.
The Wild Hunt opts out of advertising to pay for its services, but that’s the model we adopt at ahrfoundation.org, so if you run a business or have something you want to promote, consider buying an ad – they start from as low as 30$CDN a month. (Just a friendly reminder!)
As always, if you come across anything nifty, please share it in the comments, or drop me a line, and we may share it in next week’s signal. (Along with attribution, of course!)
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Those third-grader’s awesomeness cannot be described in words =)