Crowley reprint and Weiser’s new book club
By Psyche | August 9, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 1 Comment
Weiser Books is reprinting Aleister Crowley’s The Diary of a Drug Fiend
, first published in 1922, and to be released by Weiser on September 1st, 2010.
It’s available for pre-order now, and you will want to put your order in as Weiser will be starting a Twitter-based book club. There’s more information available on the recently launched Weiser Books Blog.
To participate follow @WeiserBooks on Twitter, and use the hashtag #WBC3. The Diary of a Drug Fiend will be the first book, and discussion starts on September 15th, 2010.
The Diary of a Drug Fiend tells the story of young Peter Pendragon and his lover Louise Laleham, and their adventures traveling through Europe in a cocaine and heroin haze. The bohemian couples’ binges produce visions and poetic prophecies, but when their supply inevitably runs dry they find themselves faced with the reality of their drug addiction. Through the guidance of King Lamus, a master adept, they use the application of practical Magick to free themselves from addiction.
I’ve already received my review copy, so I’ll be following along as @plutopsyche.
I miss our book club. There’s been some renewed interest in it, but participation was sparse. Perhaps we should give it another go?
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