What will they think of next?
By Psyche | August 24, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 6 Comments
I suppose someone had to make one sooner or later. So, for your, um, pleasure: a Cthulhu-inspired dildo. Why not?
The Mythos Art Dildo is pictured here is blue, but it is “available in whatever colour scheme your mad brain can devise”, and includes a “clit stimulating tentacle tail”.
Given Lovecraft’s aversion to depicting anything even vaguely sexual in his stories, this appropriation of one of his most well known characters seems rather ironic. Happy (belated) 200th birthday, HP. What a treat.
Also on offer from Necronomicox (I swear I didn’t make that up) is the Xenomorph Art Dildo and the Zombi Art Dildo (e not included).
They’re not cheap. They retail at 245$US each from Elastica Engineering, though if you buy one before August 31st, 2010 you’ll save 10%.
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