Ok, so once upon a time some jerks decided to demote Pluto to a “dwarf planet”, then they tried to amend it to a “plutoid”, because they thought it was smaller than the new thing they discovered – Eris.
Turns out they were wrong and Pluto is actually larger than Eris, though it has less mass. Take that, International Astronomical Union of Jerks. I’m lookin’ at you Mike Brown – aka plutokiller.
In light of the controversy Space.com has a poll asking if Pluto’s planet status be revisited. The answer is obviously YES. Cast your votes now, people. This is serious business.
It’s been a while since we’ve done a Saturday Signal, so a lot of linkage has been piling up. For your reading pleasure I present the following signal: Continue reading »
Ok, so I received this copy of
Abraxas back in September during my visit to Treadwell’s. This review has been a long time in coming. What took so long?
Mostly, I wanted to do it properly. I didn’t want to rush reading bits and pieces here and there, I wanted to really sit down and savour it.
Abraxas isn’t just “An International Journal of Esoteric Studies”, this first issue is also an art book. At 290mm x 232mm it’s a large quarto, beautifully bound, and printed on high quality paper, including a handtipped sheet. Richly coloured paintings are beautifully reproduced, along with many lovely illustrations in monochrome. And then there’s the text.
This first issue focuses largely on witchcraft, and while I can’t detail every essay that appears, I would like to highlight several that I felt stood out in this already exceptional collection. Continue reading »
Fulgur and Treadwell‘s are jointly launching a new occult journal, Abraxas, billed as “a new independent journal of historical and contemporary occultism”.
There will be two editions, a deluxe issue of 171 numbered copies which will include an original hand-printed wood engraving by Francesco Parisi, and a standard editions containing a letter-press printed Manifesto. (The standard edition cover is pictured on the left.)
As the journal will be printed by Fulgur I expect it will be gorgeous but, of course, they’re not cheap. The deluxe edition will sell for £70, and the standard for £25.
From the description at Fulgur.co.uk: Continue reading »