Weird video, alchemists, Pagan cemeteries and good magicians
By Psyche | May 9, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off
Hey, kids! Remember this?
Saturday Signal is’s weekly round up of neat stuff found on the occult Internet. Though as it’s been on hiatus for a bit, I’ve decided to highlight a few nifty things you may’ve missed in that time.
As it was in the past, so shall it remain: if you find something weird, cool or otherwise noteworthy, please e-mail me about it. If you’re pro-promotion, include your name and website for extra credit. Thanks!
So, let’s see what we’ve got this week…
- Kallisti is a strange short film by bones. Two voices speak, one reading chapters from the Principia Discordia, the other is layer over and under, providing a sort of alternate commentary. Billed as religious propaganda, it’s a disquieting 4 minutes and 35 seconds long. Hail Eris?
- The fellow at Gyllene Gryningen has a bit of a crush (he calls it a “fascination”) with Persian alchemists, and reading his post on the subject, “Contemporary Persian alchemists“, now I kinda do, too.
- Over at his blog on, David Rankine, author of The Goetia of Dr Rudd and Veritable Key of Solomon
(with Stephen Skinner), shares a bit about a new book in the works titled, A Collection of Magical Secrets.
- Patti Wigington in her blog on, “Official Pagan Cemetery Opens in Denmark“, “designated for members of Forn Sidr, Denmark’s officially recognized Asatru group”. Neat.
- The lovely Beautiful Pyre (previously Ceilede) has written a great list titled Any Good Magician Could. Abso-fecking-lutely, my dear.
- Nick Hate, formerly Nick Fitt, then Nick Pell and possibly still Ulysses Lazarus, who was formerly of Key23, then Key64 and is now of the Black Sun Gazette, wrote about his experience meeting Peter Lamborn Wilson (forever Hakim Bey to the cool kids) in New York at a talk on money. Full details (and pictures!) in “Peter Lamborn Wilson in NYC“.
Well, that’s it for this week, my darlings. More linkage next weekend.
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