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Locusts and Wild Honey

By Cole Tucker | September 11, 2009 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments

While Psyche is away on vacation, she has been kind enough to allow me to write for ahrfoundation.  As an apéritif, here is a little of my background.

Nine years ago, I had my first exposure to Aleister Crowley.  With a little digging, that led me to Robert Anton Wilson, Pete Carroll, Phil Hine and the rest of what I understood as the cutting edge Western Esoterica.  During this period, I also took initiations into a lineage of Raja yoga and the vajrayana based “Velocity Path” of the Arica Institute.  My magical and mystical bents developed tangentially, supported by a shared skill base.

Six years passed, and I had developed what I consider a solid competence with magic and state-based mysticism.  I also became aware of an extreme shallowness to my practices.  At some point, I had accepted the Eight Colors of Magic and the different stage models of development (Leary-Wilson circuits, Spiral Dynamics, etc.) as my reality.  They provide very useful maps for relative development, yet through my attachment to them, I had allowed my relationship with Soul to atrophy.

I returned to the Crowley material.  His earnestness spoke to me of something deeper, beyond my experiences with magic and mysticism.  I resolved to attain the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel and see what was what.  The plan was to proceed through the Elemental initiations by evoking the Seniors of each Enochian watchtower and the Tablet of Union.  Then I would create an Enochian version of Liber Samekh and work with it until the Knowledge and Conversation.

During the next three years I worked through each of the Watchtowers.  The experience transformed me in ways I could never have expected.  I also attained the Knowledge and Conversation much earlier than planned.  I refused to believe it, and instead attributed it to a late manifestation of the magical power of the Neophyte, The Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel.

I would like to share with you the individuals who helped me clear everything up.

Cole Tucker is mysterious.

Cole Tucker's website is


  1. [...] Locusts and Wild Honey [...]

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  2. [...] thanks to Cole Tucker for manning the fort while I was away. In Locusts and Wild Honey he shared a bit of his background,  in Meet the Baptists he introduced two British chaotes and [...]

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