Course on Nietzsche and Paganism…and housekeeping
By Psyche | April 22, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | Comments Off
Dr Brendan Cathbad Myers, professional philosopher, lecturer, author, podcaster and all ’round swell guy, is offering a course on Nietzsche and Paganism through Cherry Hill Seminary.1
From the course description:
Perhaps the most misunderstood, difficult, and notorious philosopher of the modern age is Friedrich Nietzsche, creator of such powerful ideas as the Will to Power. Accused of promoting a kind of paganism, even within his own lifetime, he certainly mounted the most powerful critique of all religious thinking ever written in the Western philosophical tradition. In this course we will examine three of his most important books very closely, and we will learn why his work remains important for the study of ethics, religion, and culture and also why it remains dangerous.
It’s a 12 week Masters’ level course taught online, and as per Brendan’s note, “although it is a graduate level course, it may be audited by anyone (with [his] approval)”. It’s only $375, and it is bound to be excellent.
Unfortunately,2 I’ll be in Paris when it begins, and won’t be able to take it, but please do check it out and consider signing up.
Speaking of, you may have noticed that he blog has been a little quieter than usual. I’ve been intensely busy, and haven’t had as much time to post as I’d like. If you’ve a guest post you’d be interested in writing, please do send it along. (Guest posts are always welcome, of course, but are especially helpful during crunch times.)
Speaking also of, the wonderful Cole Tucker has kindly agreed to sub in again while I’m on vacation, so you’ve got that to look forward to during the final two weeks of May. You may recall he covered the blog while I was in London last September. (Thanks again, Cole!)
Oh, and a happy Earth Day to one and all.
- For a taste of his style check out the essays on his site, or the one he kindly shared with us on, “Magical correspondences and social values“. [back]
- Kind of. I’m really, really looking forward to this trip. Sorry Brendan! [back]
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