Reviews of Aleister Crowley: A Passion for Evil
By Psyche | August 20, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 1 Comment
In July I posted about the one-man, one-act play written and performed by John Burns, Aleister Crowley: A Passion for Evil, which is showing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. hosts an in-depth review written by Frater FS, which is largely favourable:
Condensing any life, never mind Crowley’s into less than an hour requires some remarkably tight editing and Burns wisely chooses some key vignettes to give the broad strokes of the Crowley biography. Burns does this with remarkable intensity and effect, slipping into various characters on a minimal stage with nothing but a writing desk, a phone, a dagger and a wine glass for company (Burns plays Crowley in his 50s, balding and in bow tie and frock coat).
Check out the full review on, it sounds like Burns has done an excellent job – wish I was in Edinburgh!
I haven’t been able to locate many other reviews of the show, and none go as deep into it as Frater FS. (For example, gave it three stars in a review by Keith D, but without much analysis.)
The show is still on, and will be until August 28th, 2010. If you see it, I’d love to know what you think.
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