New Austin Osman Spare catalogue from Fulgur
By Psyche | November 8, 2010 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 2 Comments
In Catalogue Eight from Fulgur a number of works by Austin Osman Spare are available for sale.
There are several pencil and watercolour illustrations, as well as a series of designs for magickal stele, including the image on the left.
From the website:
Spare produced very few magical stelae, and all of them at the very end of his creative life. The 1955 Archer Gallery catalogue records just seven, here listed by the catalogue item number:
No.60 For Protection from evil people
No.61 For Destruction of Vermin
No.62 Cure for all types of headache
No.63 General Anathema and Malediction
No.64 General Benedictus and Love of All Things
No.65 Desire for Vampires and Succubi
No.66 Desire for Psycho-somatic strengthThe following sketches date from around 1953-5 and seem to be preliminary designs for the above series. Here we can see the process of Spare constructing sigillic formula fit for magical purpose. The images are fluid, sketchy, and yet potent. They are all a little grubby, some slightly creased… in essence, they represent an unrestored piece of the Wynne Road studio era. Indeed, it isn’t hard to imagine these laying on Spare’s working table, awaiting a fuller hand to enflesh the designs further.
Very cool.
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Christ, if only they’d waited another 10 years so I could afford this, lol!
Thanks for the link.
Tell me about it!