- An esoteric blog exploring the occult and occulture, philosophy, spirituality, and magick.

Thanks to our February sponsor

By Psyche | March 7, 2010

AloeRootAs we announced in February, we now offer advertising at excellent rates.

The first company to take us up on this was AloeRoot, a web design company with a beautiful site, a helpful blog, and a great client list.

You’ll still be able to find their ad on the far right hand side of our website for the next couple of days with the special code for a discount on their services and I highly encourage you to check them out.

Interested in advertising with us, too?

We still have spaces left for March and April, please see our rates or contact me for details.

Thanks again for being our first advertiser, AloeRoot!

Catalogue Seven now available from Fulgur

By Psyche | February 9, 2010

Three Men in a Cavern, by Austin Osman SpareCatalogue Seven was released today from Fulgur, featuring works of art by several of their authors and illustrators.

Most notably it contains several drawings and illustrations by Austin Osman Spare, including the one pictured left, titled there as “Three Men in a Cavern”.

Also included are “hand-decorated diabolical objects” by Barry William Hale, whose Legion 49was put out by Fulgur last year. By this they mean  Jack Daniels and rum bottles decorated with sigils and atwork and, well, I’ll use Hale’s description:

The Sigillick Conjuration of Beelzebub is incorporated into the walls of these Seven unique Talismanic Bottles sporting a variegated panapoly of magical signs and symbols sacred to the Lord of the Flies.

One of my favourite modern occult aritsts is also featured, Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule, with images from his Conjunctio, also published by Fulgur.

I’m more than a little in love with the pencil drawing of Isis, especially after getting the chance to see Orryelle’s Ganeshe in his glory at Treadwell’s last fall.

Even if, like me, you can’t afford any of them, it’s definitely worth a look.

New title by Three Hands Press

By Psyche | February 8, 2010

The Occult Reliquary, published by Three Hands PressThe Occult Reliquary will be released in March 2010 by Three Hands Press.

Introduced by Graham King, the book largely consists of more than 200 illustrations, 80 of which will be in full colour.

The images are selected from from the Richel-Eldermans Collection, an occult archive of some 2,000 images and artifacts housed in the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall. For a sample, check out the images available for viewing on the website.

From the book’s description on Three Hands Press:

Situated at the crossroads of erotic magic, ceremonial angelic conjuration, and witchcraft, the images comprise, in part, a pictorial cipher of the rituals of Ars Amatoria, a European magical order using sex magic, and the lesser-known M∴M∴, based in the Hague and Leiden. Also referenced among the collection are materials relating to A∴A∴ of Aliester Crowley. [sic]

The transfixing procession of images, charms, magical seals, and ritual objects in the Collection is the work of multiple artists, and displays a high degree of magical insight and creativity. It will be of interest to students of witchcraft, Freemasonry, the Goetia, sex magic, and early twentieth century occultism.

Three editions will be available, a special edition (already sold out), a deluxe edition (£130, 220$US) and a standard edition (£65, 110$US). All editions are limited.

See Three Hands Press for more.

Book’s cover image taken from the notice of publication found in the Museum’s blog, the Museum of Witchcraft Diary. now offers advertising

By Psyche | February 7, 2010

Advertise on now offers advertising from as low as 30$US per month.

We offer 150 x 150px ads such as the sample image pictured left, and a 150 x 300px size viewable on the website in the far right sidebar and on our detailed advertising page.

All ads appear on the far right sidebar on both the blog and the Esoteric Book Club.

Some questions you may be asking:

So, you’re selling out?

No, this is my attempt to make this blog (and the new book club) a self-sufficient enterprise, at least financially.

This blog has been running for more than two years and in that time it has yet to pay for itself, let alone make a profit. I’ve never expected the latter, but I would like the blog to at least be able to pay for itself in terms of the several hundred dollars it accrues each year in hosting, domain and post box fees.

In 2008 I introduced affiliate links. While this has drawn some interest, I’ve yet to receive a payout from purchases made on this blog. That’s ok. At least I can display book covers for titles put out by the mainstream publishers, which I think adds a lot of value.

But advertising…?

The Google ads have been here from the beginning, so advertising on this blog isn’t new. Yet Google’s been rather hopeless for me.

Since 2007 the blog has accrued less than $20 in earnings. $19.34 to be exact. The minimum payment is $100. It’s very unlikely that’s ever going to happen.

Since a big part of our mandate is to be:

a place to share thoughts and reflections on magickal subjects, and promote new and innovative works in magickal art, literature and culture

It makes more sense to open up this opportunity to the rest of the community, to promote the websites and businesses of the readers of this blog and help them reach other like-minded people.

Still think I’m selling out? Continue reading »

New esoteric book club on

By Psyche | January 25, 2010 has always had a special focus on books and occult publishing in amidst the links and commentary on occulture.

We’ve now taken that a step further by creating a dedicated space to tackle one book a month with the Esoteric Book Club.

What’s the deal?

I’ve created an About page for the book club with more info on the history of the idea and how it came about, but here’s the gist:

The Esoteric Book Club isn’t just another general occult forum. It’s a space dedicated to esoteric and occult literature and what people do with it.

It tackles the same themes our blog is focused on: philosophy, spirituality, magick and occulture, with a little biography and occult lit tossed in for good measure.

The real focus will be on engaging in what we’re reading, as we’re reading it. Sharing thoughts, asking questions, hopefully going deeper into material together than we might have the opportunity otherwise, alone.

How it will work

We’ll gather suggestions Continue reading »

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