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Golden Hoard releases new version of the Key of Solomon

By Psyche | July 11, 2008 | Print This Post | E-mail This Post | 6 Comments

Golden Hoard Press is releasing a new version of the Key of Solomon titled The Veritable Key of Solomon, by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine.  It will be distributed in North America by Llewellyn Publications in September 2008, but preorders are available now from

Llewellyn’s description boasts that it will be “perhaps the most comprehensive version of The Key of Solomon ever published”, and further details that it is:

Based on the original Key of Solomon manuscript, this brand new text features never-before-published material and added detail. Over 160 illustrations beautifully complement the elements of this complete and workable system of high magic, from a broad range of talismans and techniques to magical implements and procedures.

Golden Hoard publishes a series of books calle d the Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic which include the following titles: Practical Angel Magic of Dr John Dee’s Enochian Tables, The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes, and more recently, The Goetia of Dr Rudd (pictured left), as well as one of – if not the – most complete book of tables of correspondence (referenced in an earlier post here on,1 the aptly named The Complete Magician’s Tables.

I’m looking forward to it; Skinner and Rankin generally do excellent work.


  1. See [cref 215]. [back]

Psyche is the editor of and the curator for the occult resource, Psyche also operates a tarot consultation business, Psyche Tarot. She has been published in The Cauldron, Konton, Tarot World Magazine, among other magazines, and her essay “Strategic Magick” appeared in Manifesting Prosperity (Megalithica, 2008).

Psyche's website is


  1. Mechangel says:

    Golden Hoard makes nice things. Engage booklust…now.

    Current score: 0
    • Psyche says:

      Yes, I’ve been consistently impressed with what they’ve produced. Occulture needs more serious scholars like these, and publishers who produce texts that will endure.

      Current score: 0
  2. [...] mentioned it last year. I like their stuff. [...]

    Current score: 0
  3. Walter Five says:

    You should see the leather-bound limited editions available from their website. I own three of ‘em, some of the nicest books in my collection, after my Hell Fire Book Club volumes.

    Current score: 0